The Center for Academic Advising

    Business Freshman Advising Workshops

    We look forward to meeting you at your Advising Workshop! Each of these workshops is made specifically for students entering the Business careers. Please choose a date for your Academic Advising Workshop and complete the questionnaire. Answering these questions will help us to create an individualized academic plan to support you in achieving your goals. Your assigned Academic Advisor will email you if they have any questions before the workshop.  Please bring your Tiger Web login information with you to the workshop, and bring your laptop if you have one.  At the workshop you will:

    • Meet your Academic Advisor
    • Learn about your major
    • Review your academic plan
    • Ask any questions you have about classes
    • Register for your first semester classes

    If you have any questions about Academic Advising or have scheduling issues, please email [email protected].

    Center for Academic Advising Badge with ChattState Logo on a blue circle
    Unavailable / Filled
    Not Scheduled
    If you would like to schedule a workshop at our Dayton Site click here.
    If you would like to schedule a workshop at our Kimball Site click here.